The 2013 Inauguration: Poems and Prayers and Promises

Four years ago I was in the Sky News Australia newsroom in Sydney watching Barack Obama’s first inauguration when the tears started to flow. Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul, began to sing My Country, Tis of Thee to a million people gathered around the mall in Washington, and to millions of viewers around the … Continue reading The 2013 Inauguration: Poems and Prayers and Promises

From sea to shining sea, America hopes Obama works second-term magic

Election day started well. As I was waiting for the light to change on Market Street in the city, Mark Munro, a Channel Nine cameraman, waved to me from the window of his car and said: “Hi, Tom, I heard he’s about to win Florida. Is that true?” And I replied: “I hope so. I’m … Continue reading From sea to shining sea, America hopes Obama works second-term magic

Democrats hope Jersey bromance will push Obama over the line

It’s official: Halloween has been postponed in New Jersey. Although you’d think it was highly unlikely that trick-and-treaters dressed in ghost and goblin and skeletal costumes would be traipsing around in knee-deep flood waters, the Governor of the Garden State, Chris Christie, interrupted his conversations and walking tours with President Obama to declare in an … Continue reading Democrats hope Jersey bromance will push Obama over the line

Nixon revisited, as Obama and Romney go neck and neck

“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” That quote has been attributed to one of my favourite writers, HL Mencken, and I used to think it was a harsh assessment. Then Richard Nixon was re-elected as president of the United States in 1972 in a landslide against the liberal Senator … Continue reading Nixon revisited, as Obama and Romney go neck and neck

Counter-puncher Obama wins the second round as Romney puts down Candy

It was the moment that Barack Obama won the second debate against Mitt Romney in Long Island. The President had answered a question from a member of the audience about who denied  enhanced security – and why -- at the US embassy in Libya when the ambassador and three of his staff were killed in … Continue reading Counter-puncher Obama wins the second round as Romney puts down Candy

Obama’s sister: My big brother is a class act

“You can kid the world, but not your sister.” That’s a quote from the famous Canadian writer, Charlotte Gray, and it can easily apply to the maternal half-sister of President Barack Obama, Maya Soetoro-Ng. So the president may not be able to kid her, but fortunately they are very close, and they are both really … Continue reading Obama’s sister: My big brother is a class act